Relationships are complicated, especially those that need a fresh start. Getting your ex back is difficult but not impossible. What’s important is that you are non-creepy in the process.

It is always easy to reconnect if the breakup was mutual and amicable. Bitter breakups require some serious leg work from your side to reconnect. It will take time but is very much possible.

Before you connect with your ex, in your mind you need to sort out all of the situations and aspects that led to the breakup.

The hardest part is realizing your own feelings and acting upon them. If you are reading this article, then you have already won half the battle. The other half we will help you win.

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Image via Canva

We have compiled some awesome, non-creepy ways to get your ex back.

So read it and dive deep into the ocean of love!! But hopefully, this article will help you heal your broken heart and mend the relationship for good…

Here we go…

1. Be True to Yourself

The hardest part is realizing your own feelings and then getting up the courage to act upon them.

Break up, in itself, might not have been easy. But the days that follow actually tell you the real worth of the person. If you want your ex back, you have probably realized their worth.

You should hold on to that feeling so that it reflects in your actions and body language when you finally meet them.

You need to set your ego aside and be genuine in your approach. Your actions should show that you really cannot do without this person. You need to understand that your ex knows you well so they can figure out if you lie or if you’re being fake.

So wear your heart on the sleeve and let it show. But also don’t go overboard with it as you might scare them off with all of the emotional talks. You have to be cautious when you first approach them, don’t come off as desperate.

Your ex should not feel sudden suffocation with the sea of emotions. Remain true to yourself and your personality. You should analyze the good points about yourself that helped you win them in the first place. So chin up!! Be confident!!

2. Casually Approach Your Ex

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Image via Pexels

If your ex has not blocked you from their phone or social media account, then you are in luck. You can casually approach them through by texting and asking about their well being.

You can ask them to catch up and see how they respond. Don’t be too pushy if they avoid it. Wait for maybe a week before you text them again. Don’t sound desperate, just ask casually about their day to get the ball rolling for further conversation.

After you’ve spent some time texting and you feel that your ex is now comfortable having a casual chat, then invite them for a cup of coffee. Always keep the place public and not romantic, or they will start getting anxious even before the conversation begins.

For the first meeting, be as casual as possible and try not to bring up the past but give hope of a future friendship. You can take your time to evaluate the situation.

When you feel that both of you are in your comfort zones again, then you can start by reminding them of the good old days and how you guys are a perfect match. If they feel the same, then you are in luck.

3. A Heartfelt Apology is a Must

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Image via Adobe Stock

Once you are over the biggest hurdle of connecting with them again, the next hurdle is getting through your feelings.

Articulating your apology into words can be a tough task. Don’t rush it, prepare for it. Write it down in words before the meeting because when the time comes, you are bound to get nervous and might miss important details.

It is of paramount importance that your apology is genuine and heartfelt. If you are not the creative type, it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to write a poem to impress them. Just prepare what you truly feel about your ex and remind them of all of the good times you had together.

Don’t forget to mention the hole they left in your life after the breakup. Your ex should know that you are truly sorry and that you mean it. You need to be sincere in your apology and remember that you also need to be prepared if they don’t forgive you.

Don’t push the apology just because it makes you feel better. You should apologize to make your partner feel better. So if you are not forgiven the first time, then slowly and decently try again, without being too aggressive.

4. Resolve the Reason for the Breakup

To get your ex back, you need to first resolve the reason which caused the breakup in the first place.

There can be many reasons for a breakup but to make a fresh start, you need to bury the hatchet. You will never be able to laugh and talk together if a certain problem keeps lingering in between.

You need to show that you are a changed person now and how the breakup has instilled a sense of change into you. You need to show your mature and responsible side. You need to assure them that they have you back.

A perfect couple is one that supports each other through their shortcomings. You need to show that whatever your partner lacks, you can make up for it and vice-versa. This is the only way to win their trust back and convince them that you two are perfect for each other.

If your breakup was situational, then you need to assure your ex that both of you can resolve it together and make it work, even if the situations are against you. After all, it’s all about sticking together through the thicks and thins and growing up in adverse situations.

5. Give Space to Your Ex

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Image via Pixabay

If you have successfully re-built a connection with your ex and put your feelings across, it’s time to show patience. It is very important that you give your ex some space and time to think and process all of the recent events. This will help them make a good decision.

You don’t want to scare them off, so ensure that you are not aggressive in your approach. Matters of the heart are delicate and relationships need time and nurturing to flourish.

You might have to endure this time biting nails anxiously but trust us. You should give them space and wait for their response.

Your patience will be a true example of your maturity and this is the only possible way to make them realize that you are a changed person. Use this time to reflect upon your actions from the past and figure out the things you need to improve for a better relationship.

And please be ready to accept whatever they decide. Don’t stalk them physically or on social media. If there is love, they will respond and your endurance will pay off.

6. Express Your Feelings

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Image via Unsplash

If you are not good at expressing your feelings and thoughts, it’s high time you change that. Your ex might not be aware of your feelings. Sometimes people just drift apart in longer relationships. That’s because, with time, people don’t communicate with each other as much as before.

Talking helps and sometimes it’s the only way to make a person understand your true feelings. We live in our own bubbles thinking that our partners knows us and hence will understand all of our actions. But that might not be the case.

Every once in a while, you have to bare your soul. People and times constantly change, so you need to show them the side of you that you couldn’t express earlier. This can help you make them feel that there is more than what meets the eye. This might pique their interest in you again.

You need to show how much you care for them and make them feel wanted again. They need to see that you are reliable but also vulnerable without them in your life.


The moment you decide that you want your ex back, you have to mentally prepare yourself in many ways. In your heart, you have to let bygones be bygones and start anew.

You need to be in a positive and confident frame of mind because that will reflect in your actions.

Go into this with zero expectations. That will make you less anxious and nervous. Always be calm and composed and think rationally.

So, wear that confidence and positive attitude as your armor and go get your the “one and only.” These points will for sure help you fix your love life and give a kickstart to the new chapter in your life.

Good luck! And if you need help, please feel free to write to us in the comments below.

Reunite With Your Ex-Partner

This 14-day relationship program will help you learn how to take responsibility for your relationship, repair your mistakes, and build a stronger and happier relationship with your ex. 

You’ll learn how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and resolve conflict in a healthy manner. By the end of this program, you’ll have the necessary tools you need to get your ex back and build a strong, lasting relationship.

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